All pics are from the guild house, Dragoncon or the Dragoncon night at the aquarium.
Even Fisty had a costume for a day there!
Click to enlarge

Left -> right:
Domo, Wire, Spir, Fisty, Sabrina (Domo’s wife), San (Fisty’s bf), Odachi, Cologa, Jaderine, Hua, Kali, Adrian (Kali’s gf).
Photographer: Mowse
Not pictured: Zavon, Oni

Left -> Right:
Odachi, Cologa, Spirulina, Domo, Zavon, Sabrina (Domo's wife), Wire, Hua, Jaderine, Adrian (Kali’s gf), Kali.
Photographer: Mowse
Not pictured: Fisty, San, Oni
Use the above descriptions for matching up who is who on the following picture dump.